Monday, February 18, 2008

Did you miss me????

So, I feel the need to explain where I have been and what I have been doing the last few weeks just in case you keep checking my blog for some juicy gossip. I'm actually glad I don't have any. If I did, I would have to struggle in the dilemma if I should share and fill you in and embellish the details or keep a tight rein on my tounge. Which I don't really do all that well. But I am getting better due to the fact that I REALLY hate having to confess to God that YES I failed to use self control AGAIN!!!! Anyway.... was that too much information?

I will just tell you what I have done the past few weeks. I did manage to make it back to the states with my "man" (I stole that from Stacey) for about a week. I tagged along with him on business and stayed in Dallas for a night (AT THE MALL!!), Denver for a night and then a couple nights in OKC. There is just something so relaxing about staying in hotel rooms with no kids and getting to leave wet towels on the floor. Anyway, the bonus was that my girls all got sick while I was gone and they were all better by the time I got home. Yes, I had some mom guilt but they were in good hands (she got sick also) and I returned home feeling great.

The day after we returned home we moved into a ground floor condo unit. WHICH I LOVE!!!

We were able to move in most of our "stuff" and the girls unpacked their toys and we set up their rooms. I'm not really a "stuff" person but I have really enjoyed having my pictures out, and creating a little bit of a home. David had to leave town again so I took the next 4 days and organized everything. It was nice to have a deadline.

THEN, my mom, her parents and my dad's mom came to visit. What a sweet time. I loved showing them around and giving them a taste of "The Ritz". The girls enjoyed them and we had a valentines day party cookout.

So, that brings me to today. I think that brings me back to normal. I am still going to boot camp at 5:30 in the morning. I am getting stronger and I can run 1 lap around the tennis court but I have gained 6lbs. Yes, I know it's muscle, and I'm losing inches blah, blah blah. I just work to hard to have gained weight. It's called bootcamp for a reason. I must have done 100 push-ups this morning and somewhere around 200 crunches. That's with dips and running in between.

Oh, before I forget. my sweet girls have made me laugh so much lateley that I wanted to share.

Olivia wrote a book about America. We have been living in Cayman now for so long that I think she is grasping the cultural differences and wants to return to her roots and write a story. Here are some excerpts.

American money is green, but Cayman money is blue.

These are some of our famous presidents. Lincoln and George Washington.

A lot of people in America believe that people come from monkeys.

Now I wish I could show you how she has illustrated this. First she has a picture of a monkey (that looks more like a satchsquash), then the next is still a similair looking figure but now he is wearing a t-shirt, the next has pants on and the next grows hands and feet. Finally, the last figure is fully clothed with hands and feet. Leave it to her to expose how ridiclous evolution really is.

The next page, has an American flag, explains what language we speak, then finally she sums up why other people in the world dislike Americans.

America is the richest place on earth. So other people, not in America, are jealous because we have more money.


Now the picture she drew for this one is priceless as well. First we have two figures. On one side of the page we have a smiling (American) who is surrounded by LOTS of gold coins. On the left side we have another (non-American) crossing his arms with a frown on his face surrounded by only a few coins.

Yes, folks the decision to raise her outside the US is paying off.

Oh, and Summer informed me that she can spell elephant.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P...

Did you mean alphabet?


Vicki Banta said...

You know I've missed you! There has been snow on the ground since we've touched down! I love that Olivia thinks America is rich!!! Who cares about the deficit?

Anonymous said...

I didn't want you to think I actually pray for a solid hour every day. I do my Bible Study and then pray(I write in a prayer journal to keep my mind focused and so I don't fall asleep). Sometimes I turn on worship music. If I'm not doing a Bible Study, I'll read a Chapter in Proverbs or Psalms or sometimes I'll look up the scriptures the preacher said on Sunday Morning. I use to pray scriptures out loud over my family, I haven't done that in awhile. I also use to pray the prayers in "Power of Praying Wife" and "Power of a Praying Parent." Lately, I've been reading "The Purpose Driven Life." I know you've spent an hour with God when you are doing your Beth Moore stuff! You are an amazing Woman of God!

Love, Vicki

stacy seago said...

I love the poem...too cute! Yes, they are our MEN! What would we do without them? Glad you came into the states.....I'm ready to get out of them ~ even though our next trip is Seaside, Florida (not really out of the states, but out of Mississippi) ~ we love to go!