Friday, November 2, 2007

90 Days With The One and Only

So I wanted to share a little God "adventure" that I am on... or I'm starting... or who knows but I am excited for whats ahead. I have a confession. I don't know Jesus like I should. I mean I KNOW Jesus, but I think I have a more childlike version of HIM in my head. I mostly identify with God when I pray and I have a fondness for HIS attributes. Secondly, I have always felt the Spirit of God as long as I have been a Christian, sometimes I'm more aware than others. However, JESUS is the reason why I can even have have access to God and HIS spirit. I know this in my head but I think I am really missing a part of the bigger picture. I mean who is JESUS? He said so many peculiar things? Why were so many offended by HIM? How did he love? He was all God yet all human. Don't get me wrong I know the basics and I believe the basics are the most important thing. Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins. But, I am at a place where I want to know HIM more. It's funny, my walk with God has always been God showing me things and me responding. I would of thought that this would of been one of the first things HE would of pressed upon me. Anyway, I just started a book called 90 days with the One and Only. I'm excited, I may not finish it 90 days but I figure it's something I will be learning the rest of my life.

1 comment:

Riley:) said...

I heard a sermon recently on Ephesians 1:17 I am praying it over my family and now you.
In Him, Vicki